Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The first phase of retirement

Retirement Life

I attended a seminar put on by my financial planner that featured the author of a booklet named "The Four Phases of Retirement". I won't go into detail, but the four phases were listed as:
  1. Vacation Time
  2. Plunge into the Abyss of Insignificance
  3. Trial & Error
  4. Reinvent & Repurpose
My last post addressed the potential way to avoid #2, so I managed to stay firmly entrenched in Phase 1. Mere weeks after my announced retirement, one of my university chums suggested that I join him and some other mates on a ski weekend in the Swiss Alps. What better way to enter Vacation Time, than to go on a ski trip to Saas-Fee!

Freestotz run on Saas Fee next to the crevasses
After a very boozy, four days in Switzerland, I was back in Vancouver, with loads of time on my hands. What to do now? That's where the "honey do" list came into play. You all know what I'm talking about. All of those little jobs that you kept putting off, saying that, "I don't have the time to get that done". But now, you don't have that excuse anymore.

So the jobs on the list slowly got ticked off. Some were just little 1-2 hour tasks that should really have been done ages ago. Some were monumental, multi-day, or week-long projects that took planning and some level of skill to finish. But slowly, the task list got whittled down, until there were none left. Back to vacation time? No, since the wifey didn't have the vacation time (she's still working), no new travel plans were on the horizon.

Enter the woodworking hobby. Since I'd accumulated the tools and some skills during the renovations of our house and above-mentioned tasks, I thought I'd putter around the garage doing woodworking as a hobby. And so, RC Board Works was created.