Saturday, May 25, 2024

A gnome story

Just for fun

Eric the Gnome during happier times
Years ago, before we were about to depart for a European trip, I thought it would be fun to kidnap our friends' little garden gnome, and take him with us on our journey. I don't remember where we got the idea from, but a couple of days before we were to depart, I snatched him from their front porch, and put a note from "the kidnappers" in his place. 

(clicking on any image below will open the gallery view)

I had another email account that I had for marketing purposes, etc., so "Daryl Zero" became the go-between to send/receive kidnapping demands and update photos. And then the Facebook posts started.

Unfortunately, Christine caught a bad flu, so we didn't end up going on our 2-week trip, which meant I had time on my hands to act the part of the kindnapper, as well as have a little fun with it. So I created this from Brian's movie quote and the pic he attached to his post:
Now for those of you who aren't familiar with the "Missy the cat" internet story, you need to have a read. Missing Missy - Go ahead. We'll wait. 
Welcome back. Hilarious, huh? Anyhow, since she asked, I came up with this:
And the FB posts continued.
I figured it was time to get some demands going, so I used the old newspaper-date trick to send proof-of-life and of course, a ransom request.
Which got an immediate response, of course.
Not wanting to seem like we were not participating, I upped the "Missing Missy" poster game.
And then this, from Brian, with a request for another movie poster:
But I figured we needed to take this story down a new angle, as it seemed that the Peers weren't about to cough up the Aeroplan points. So I sent this:
And then to my surprise, Heather posted this update:
Of course, I knew this not to be true, so I sent another photo of the little gnome, trying to find his way home, which prompted a new post.
And more from Eric...
However, every story has to have a happy ending, and the little gnome eventually found his way home.
But was this the last of Eric's journeys?